This weekend we witnessed the tragic death of Michael Jackson. My heart is filled with sorrow as I watched this man emotionally struggle through life. He was the constant focus of the media because of his sometimes bizarre behavior. Yet I believe he was also one of the most misunderstood people.
His song “Have you Seen My Childhood” (playing right now on my play list at the bottom of the page) depicts a life of loneliness and pain.
“I’m searching for the world that I come from
Cause I’ve been looking around
In the lost and found of my heart…
No one understands me….
It’s been my fate to compensate, for the Childhood I’ve never known…
Before you judge me, try hard to love me. The painful youth I’ve had.”
click here for a beautiful rendition of his childhood pictures with this song. You may need to copy and paste it in your browser.
This was an amazing talented human being who missed his childhood and I believe as a result constantly looked to find love for himself through other means. It’s amazing that someone so popular with sold out audiences felt unloved. Yet our childhood programming is so powerful that it becomes our truth. His beliefs about not being loved and accepted became his truth and showed up throughout his life as he tried to become something he wasn’t.
The world witnessed as he went from an attractive black young man to something mystical and eccentric as he looked for his true identity. On top of that he coped with his emotional pain with all kinds of medications detouring him from his true self.
Unfortunately he had a tragedy when approximately 25 years ago his hair caught on fire filming a Pepsi commercial. As a result he went on pain medications and became addicted.
These pain killers not only took care of the physical burn pain but also his emotional pain and became a way for him to cope with not feeling loved and accepted. It created a long addiction that fatally took a toll on his body.
It is my prayer that this pain can be transformed into lessons of love for his family and loved ones remaining and that he continues on his journey of learning who he truly is. We will miss you Michael.
What are your programmed limiting beliefs and how are they keeping you in pain? How do you cope with them? What self sabotage are you currently creating? This is just an awareness game for yourself and is the first step in transforming these beliefs.
Stay tuned for steps to transforming these limiting beliefs.
This was beautifully written. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say anything as true, and profound as this. I feel the same way,
Great Job Sandra – Really enjoyed it!
Blessings for the Work you Do,
What a beautiful tribute to an incredibly talented human being! His talent will certainly be missed by many. Thanks SO much for sharing!