Sandra Weller
Certification Trainer/Facilitator
Author and Speaker
Personal growth is something I have been passionate about most of my life; however my own healing journey started about 25 years ago, was when I began to see new possibilities of my ability to create a new life, one of peace and happiness. As I have discovered my own light, it has automatically enabled others to discover their light. I attracted people and classes to aid me on my journey of healing and becoming a Life Coach. My heart is full of gratitude for this journey of self discovery and possibilities are still unfolding to me nearly on a daily basis.
I began my own journey of healing when crisis had struck me in my life after a divorce and loss of my identity as a mother. My 3 children went to live with their father after I had raised them for 8 years. Everything I thought myself to be was taken out from under me and I had no idea who I was. “Who am I and what is my purpose?” became my focal point. I began searching for ways to cope with my loss. At first I began creating a life that was too busy to think about it. I had never learned to deal with depression like this and at one point was even suicidal. As time went on I suppressed the pain of my emotions as ways of protecting myself from feeling the loss, however, I would find myself falling apart and having several breakdowns, a sure sign of repressed emotion.
At the time I was a hairdresser and one of my clients began experimenting with energy work on me. As I began to access the repressed emotional pain and move it in healthy ways, I began to feel shifts take place in my physical body of releasing. I was fascinated with how the body deals with trauma and had my first rapid eye session. During this session I discovered limiting beliefs of being “unimportant and second best” stemming from a very young age and being a twin. I saw how these beliefs had literally controlled me in my life and stopped me many times from going after what I wanted. They became self-fulfilling prophecies.
I began a journey of searching for the truth of who I am and received tools to reframe and create my new identity by changing the way I looked at myself and the world. I received many new perceptions about myself, and was able to see “my soul’s higher learning.” I asked to see myself as God sees me. As a result I attracted teachers and tools in assisting me and I have a new meaning of “The Teacher and Student are one.” I am humbled to be on this journey with you now as you learn to see your own Divinity and live your purpose as passionately as I do.